“Now that I’ve chosen my architect, how far do I take our relationship?”
Yes, it’s another architectural relationship analogy.
No, the next blog will not follow suit… Unless you want it to!?
So you’ve used the top tips, asked the right questions and decided that this architect is for you.
Great! But now what? How do you know if you should keep them for the long haul?
Like any relationship, the Building Process consists of (6 official) stages, all of which the architect is or can be directly involved with.
This is the part where you use your top tips (if you’re slightly confused you probably skipped our first blog and for that, we shall not shame you but will tell you that you’re missing out…). It’s the initial meet and greet and deciding factor of whether you’d like to take it further and go on a second date.
This is where we, as architects, prepare the initial design based on our first meeting with you.
You’ve met the person, you get along well and would like to move to the next stage.
This stage is one of the most important, in dating and in the architectural world. In order to suss this person out and explore the potential, you go on a variety of dates (rumour has it that after 10 dates the average person expects the relationship to get serious?) and in a similar manner, this stage forms the crux of the project as it explores the many iterations of design, the back and forth of ideas, materiality and functionality. The cost anticipation is reviewed and the project programme is developed.
The architect uses this stage to negotiate and consult local authorities (municipalities).
The previous stage is taken and developed in a thorough manner and so comes the finalisation of the materiality, construction systems, programmes, components and the coordination of services required from other consultants.
To sum it up, you’ve been on all the dates, thoroughly enjoyed them and the parameters for your relationship have been established (it’s Facebook/Instagram/TikTok or whatever-the-new-trend-is-now official), which means it’s pretty serious so if you haven’t already, you tell your parents and friends about this person and get their input.
You guessed it: meet the parents.
Technical documentation is co-ordinated, specifications (of how you met) are prepared, costing and programming are reviewed. It’s vital to obtain the client’s (partner’s) authority before submitting (yourself) for (parental) approval.
If, after all of the above, you’ve decided that this relationship was good but no longer serves you, this is where you stop. Many clients choose to utilise architectural services up to this point. No offence taken, as long as it’s a mutual decision and both parties are happy. Unlike relationships, the stage of termination is usually discussed beforehand.
Everything has all been accepted and approved and now the architect may commence with tender procurement, likened to getting engaged, after obtaining the client’s authority (the big YES). The documentation drawings (wedding invites) are sent out and procurement offers for the execution of the works are sent in. All offers are critically evaluated and the architect recommends their choice. The official documentation is drawn up after the tender is awarded and all is signed and sealed and delivered… to the site, for construction.
The site handover between the architect and contractor.
It’s exactly how it sounds: you’ve been married off and now your parents hand you over to your significant other for you two to build your own life together. Possession is given from the architect to the site contractor and all construction documentation is issued to the builder. Once all is in order and the building contract has been administered, the Architect may also be assigned as principal agent, with regards to the JBCC contract, and will then duly fulfil the obligations thereof. We will assist with practical completion and will help the client obtain their occupation certificate.
This is the final step of the architectural process.
Once the contractor has completed their duties, the Architect facilitates this stage by issuing any certificates required to fulfil the contract. This can include as-built drawings and other relevant technical and contractual documentation. After all of the ends have been tied and the architect is happy – you get your site (now including a building) back.
To tie back to our beautiful analogy, you started building your life together and now your house is ready to become your home. Isn’t that special?
Architects really do make a difference 😉